Friday, March 25, 2005

Blogging for Jesus?

Two weeks ago if ya asked me about blogs I would have clutched my crucifix and with a gentle pastoral tone told you in not so many words that one could spend there day more industriously drinking beer and getting tattoos. Yet here I am writing my first blog thing.

Yesterday ,my pal Charley AKA Pastor Rafiki, sent me his blog link. I'm no copycat mind you but I saw something in this blog stuff. When I went to Charley's blog I realized that this blog stuff even though technological allows people inside the mind of the blogger on a day to day basis. Although it is a scary thought for people to be inside my mind a little bit every day - scary for them mind you, I have no problem with it - I think this blogging stuff is an opportunity to communicate with written words when our spoken words don't seem to come out and communicate what we want them to when we are actually in front of people. We've all walked away from a conversation and thought "oh wow, I should have said this..." "what I really meant to say was this..." "oh, why didn't I say it when I had the chance?".

One of my new goals is to be wholly known. Jesus knows me through and through but I want the body of Christ, the church here on earth, to know me like that. I want to be transparent. I want to have no secrets. And so hopefully this blog thing will help me to be wholly known by those who I love and those who I want to love and don't know yet. The scary thing for me about this being wholly known is that there is always a chance to be wholly judged. That's just another anxiety I have to give up. So hopefully in these future blog things, I have no idea what you call them, I'll be able to share my thoughts about life with Jesus and living this epic adventure we call the Christian life. Now, GO BIG OR GO HOME.


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