Monday, July 11, 2005

Hey Mon!

The Saturday before last was one of those "challenge my Christianity" days. I drive on to the street where our church is to make ready the church for the youth mass at 6:00PM. Guess what? There's a beer drinkin Reggae party with live band in the stinkin' parking lot. I had to go down well further than a block to find some where to park , then decided to park illegally leaving my keys with a licensed teen to move my vehicle if needed. So, I'm ticked off and ready to unleash a spiritual butt whoopin upon Roger, the owner of the Bicycle shop who was hosting this pagan ritual. So I walked into the parking lot sporting my black clergy shirt (real low key, huh?). People actually covered their beers with their hands at my appearance. No one would make eye contact. It was as if there was telepathic message that went out to all the partiers that said :"What ever you do don't look him directly in the eyes and maybe he'll go away and not damn us all to hell"
It was then when God changed my heart. I saw people who had a definite idea about the Church and her ministers. And for the most part those ideas were comprised of the fear of judgment which inevitably turn to shame then anger and resentment. By the time I found a very sheepish Roger (beer in hand) I had already decided to take the youth to my house and celebrate the Mass there. But now I had to say something to the very apologetic Roger. I just asked him to communicate to me more clearly the next time he has a festival in the parking lot. He promised that he would -end of story.

There must be a reason non church folk have such a reaction to church folk. Could it be that we react so negatively to them ?I was reminded of the 2nd chapter of Romans which says"You, therefore, have no excuse, you who pass judgment on someone else, for whatever point you judge the other, you are condemning yourself, because you who pass judgment do the same things.- Rom 2:1"
Wow, we kind of create a conga line of condemnation by our judgmental reactions.
What is our goal as Christians anyway? Isn't it to spread the Gospel so people repent of their sin and are saved through Jesus Christ? Romans 2:4 teaches us that it is His kindness that leads us to repentance. So I guess brow beating a half intoxicated reggae fan isn't real good evangelism. Go figure.
Why should I be mad at Roger? God isn't mad at Roger, He is kindly and lovingly waiting for Roger to seek Him. Maybe Roger and his partiers are already doing that. How do I know?

It is His kindness that leads us to repentance! What a concept!

Go Big etc...


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