Thursday, June 16, 2005

rafting ?

Lewis and Clark had a good reason to take boat and ride the river. I have no such purpose, yet I'm going to go down a river in a raft with family and friends. Personally, I get no thrill from these kinds of things. I'm a purpose driven person, I need a practical motivation to do something more or less impractical. I will walk up a mountain to hunt quail. I will go on a boat to catch fish. But to go down a river when you can catch plenty of fish from shore, "Why Lord ,why?". Anyway, we're going to Idaho to raft down a river that God intended to distribute water throughout the land he created. Please pray that all involved will have a safe journey. I will post when I return.


Blogger Mabel said...

I'm sorry but I just have to say that what you're doing is absolutely crazy!

All I can say is everytime I get into a CAR something bad happens - I get taken for a bath, or a doctor sticks something weird up my butt.

I can't even imagine what would happen to me if I got on one of those rafts. You people are nuts.

(However, Pastorafiki thinks the trip is a great idea. Go figure.)

9:01 AM  

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