Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Again with the nostalgia

Most of you won't remember "Sigmund and the Sea Monsters". I loved this show when I kid. Heck, I still like it, although I have haven't seen a complete episode since 1975. Sigmund was a sea monster who ran away to escape a family that didn't love him. Soon after his departure a wealthy relative pledges to give the family millions of clams (currency in their culture). But there's a hitch - no Sigmund = NO CLAMS. So Sigmund's evil idiot brothers Burp and Slurp are given the task to find him and bring him back. Sigmund has been befriended by brothers Johnny and Scott. He took refuge in the club house in their backyard.
Ah the 1970's when there was still just a bit of innocence. Sigmund was my pitied hero. I could never understand why he would leave his family even if they were crappy. But he was honest to a fault and always ended up doing the right the thing (except returning to his family). I nick named my two brothers burp and slurp because of the show.
Sigmund kinda reminds me of Gideon - a scared reluctant hero who despite himself manages to the right thing.
Perhaps I can relate to Sigmund - I don't know. Maybe it was just fun to watch. There are very few T.V shows that I like anymore probably because I judge them against a silly obscure Sid and Marty Kroft show. (creators of H.R. Puffinstuff, the Bugaloos. Dr Shrinker, Electric Woman and Dyna girl and many others).
I know it seems random to talk about this show out of the blue but nostalgia is comforting when reality sucks. Not that my life is lame but a little mindless remembering "back in the day" is a vacation from the complex world I live in.
Take 30 seconds and be a little mindless.


Blogger Scott said...

A little mindless? I'm union and I have that job thank you very much.

2:35 PM  
Blogger Amy said...

I loved that show! No, I LOVED that show. I didn't think anybody else remembered it. And all the other Kroft Brothers stuff. We are showing our age, though. Aww, who cares. Give me my thirty seconds. Lidsville, too.

9:01 AM  

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