Thursday, July 06, 2006

Wife Seeks Hunting Companions For Reckless Husband

OK, Here's the story. Last hunting season I went on an ordinary quail hunt with Kimo the wonder dog . It was a late afternoon hunt so I left the house at 3:00pm . I noticed heavy traffic on the So. bound 5 by Pyramid Lake on my way to the hunting spot. I made a mental note of it. So Kimo and I have great time. When I left my house my wife told me not to go to any "Dangerous Places" because "you will fall down break your leg and die - then I'll be mad - cuz I'll have to take care of your dog". Compassion is one of Joann's spiritual gifts. With that said I was pretty cautious. Hey - it's hunting not walking in the super market there's always a little risk when walking over rocks and sticks with a firearm in your hands.
Kimo and had a great time. We hunted for an hour and a half but it was coming dusk (still good light) so we went home. Remember the mental note I made about the traffic, well I ignored it and 5 minutes after I got on the freeway I was stuck in traffic. I listened to the radio and heard "Expect 3 to 5 hour delays. Crap ! Oh well, I will just call my loving wife. OOOPS - no cell phone . No problem - Joann knows how cautious I am - OOOOOPS - She doesn't think I'm that cautious.
So I get home - uh- Joann doesn't seem that happy . And before even talking to me rushes to the phone and starts calling. I hear " Thank you very much sheriff- he's home now - I'm so glad I caught you in time " OK - who was that ? She still wasn't talkin' to me - " I have to call your brother" - She's close to my brother but does she have to call him now? " Your brother would like to talk to you - he was on his way to go and find you" what ? huh? I'm right here !-
So the convo goes like this -
Me - "Hey bud
Bro- "Hey Dumb Ass- I was just on my way with Mike (best fiend ) to pull your dead carcass out of a hole in Sh-- Canyon"
Me-"I was just stuck in traffic - thanks for caring though -I appreciate it "
Bro-"Hey mike - rich says he was just stuck in traffic - and he appreciates us -- Listen to me Grizzly Adams, Everybody knows how you like to be one with the mountain and we also know how you fall down walking to the living room - PEOPLE WERE WORRIED!"
Me - "Sorry- I would have called but I left my phone "
Bro- "Mike - he's says he's sorry, he forgot his cell phone - We were going to turn around and go home but I think we'll keep going til we get to your house and come up and STAPLE YOUR CELL PHONE TO YOUR ASS!"
Me - I love you
Bro - yeah - me too.

Some of the language was a bit harsh but please remember that it was real life, before getting offended . The conversation with my wife is not printable. Hence, the need for hunting mates.
Hunting season starts in less than two months. You will find a link for Hunters safety classes below. Even if you're not crazy about hunting you might want to come to pray with (or for) your priest. My wife thanks you.


Blogger joannmski said...

Hey there has been some good posting happening here!

I remember this day well. It took quite a while for the veins to go back into my forehead.

My next call was going to be to Joshua, that would have been another kettle of fish to deal with too.

Yes, a companion who has a nice well charged cell phone stapled to himself would be a good thing this year.

9:58 AM  
Blogger Amy said...

reckless and abandoned?

12:45 PM  

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