Saturday, August 09, 2008

Reconciliation, Truth and Thanksgiving

As a priest in Christ's Church reconciliation is a huge part of my life. In the ancient church reconciliation has always been considered a sacrament. It has become my custom to publicly ask the church that I serve to forgive me for hurts I have caused them at least twice a year. I normally do this in Lent and Advent as they are penitential seasons with an emphasis on reconciliation. I don't enjoy this as I would prefer never to hurt anyone but unfortunately I am very capable of hurting people. Perhaps too capable.

This morning, upon reflecting on the flaws in myself that I need God to change and heal I became thankful for those in my life that have loved me enough to tell me when I've wronged and or hurt them or someone else. Many times this is a point of healing for all parties involved as it gives an opportunity to talk things through and reconcile. Although it is painful to be told that you screwed up I prefer it to not knowing that I have a flaw that needs correction and a brother or sister in Christ with whom I am unreconciled.

I am not too fragile to hear some one's grievance against me (again, I would prefer not to) and would hope that the individual would be equally willing to accept when others bring grievances against them.

For those of you have had the courage to confront me - Thank You. I am better because of it.
Go Big - and tell me when I stink.


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