Wednesday, May 25, 2005

playing hurt(scared)

I went to high school with with a guy named Gaston Green who went on to be a Heisman trophy candidate and professional running back. Gaston was notorious for saving himself from injury. Professional sports was the goal and you couldn't get there if you were injured. He opted not to go to the state track and field championships and it was speculated that it was for fear of injury so as not to jeopardize is scholarship to UCLA. I never followed sports much but Gaston was hometown hero so I would watch his games and listen to the occasional interview. On one occasion there had been a lot of clatter whether Gaston was going to play in a big game because of an injury . Reports were that the injury was minor and something that could be played through. This was no surprise to many people. Gaston was always saving himself. For folks that wanted to see him in the NFL that just fine with them but there were rumors that his team was unhappy. I don't know what's true. I do know that Gaston played that game and did well. In an interview after the game the interviewer said that he could not detect an injury while Gaston was playing. Gaston said that he learned that he could play hurt and it was a confidence building experience.
Fear attacks all of us .In addition to the actual injury it was fear that almost stopped Gaston from playing. All those what if questions can weigh very heavy. What the injury hampers performance and you look bad? What if it gets worse? What if it stops a career?
Athletes aren't the only ones who need to play hurt (scared) especially when other are affected.
Jesus played the game scared to the point that he sweat blood. We benefit because he persevered through his fear to do the will of the father.
Fear can be a show stopper but it doesn't have to be.Jesus says "do not fear " and "I remain with you to the end of the age ". He never says specifically to "play scared" but it's implied .
The what ifs can get really loud. But God's will is louder if we listen . His voice encouraging us is even louder still if we just listen.


Blogger Sinnersaint said...

Amen to that. There are a lot of times in life where the afflictions we battle, the situations we encounter or life in general scares the hell out of us. But you must push forward and realize (here's the kicker): we are never alone. Reading this post I thought of the Footprints writing my Mom had up in our old house. Once I understood it, I always loved the point. Why was there only one pair of footprints during the hardest times in my life? Where were you? My child, it was then that I carried you.

9:12 AM  

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