Thursday, May 26, 2005

Gen Rex

I am coining a new term for the people of my generation. Technically I'm the last year of the BOOMER generation . But I'm not a real boomer. I was born in the 60's but I really came of age in the late 70's to the 80's. I think that many of the kids born from nineteen 58 to 70 fall through the cracks of the of the boomer and Xer generation. I don't limit Gen Rexers to those dates though. I think it has more to do with era your parents were in combined with the era you came up in . Classic Boomers were born to WII era parents. Xers are the products of boomers. My folks like the parents of many of my friends aren't in either category of parents. They(my folks) were late depression babies. They didn't fight in any war, grew up poorer than most boomers and they didn't lose faith as many of the boomers . Integrity, working for what you got and the golden rule were king. My cousins (their dad's fought WII and KOREA) that are Twelve years older than I grew up questioning authority but my cousins who were closer to my age did not. Me and my friends (Reagan era teens) rebelled some but it 'seems that we grew up thinking that authority needed to be respected (more or less) because someday we were going to be that authority.
Generational sociology is pretty much guess work anyway. Hey, I can guess just as good as any sociologist. I actually think I have a minor in it . Classification never totally works , there's always an exception.So I'm just arrogant enough to expand common generational classifications and add GENERATION REX.
I have more thoughts on this subject. but I will have mercy upon the readers (both of you).
Go Big or Go Home!
For those Boomers that may read this and be offended by the last sentence because it sounds like a command and may jeopardize your personal authority over your own life.
Dude! read the bible and say goodbye to that personal authority crud.


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