Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Why Isn't Jesus Enough?

If everything was to crumble and go away the Christian heart should be content with Jesus Christ alone. But often times we aren't. I know I'm not. And it shames me. Yeh yeh yeh, I know we're just human, blah blah blah. I think discontentment is a grave sin and one I am all too often guilty of. Why grave? Think about it. What does discontentment say to the loving God that created us ? Thanks for the whole salvation thing , I really appreciate it but I need a little me time. Me time equals time to forget what God has done for me and want more. More,can you believe that, more than the redemption of my soul? HOW WACKO IS THAT!
Why isn't Jesus enough? We know he is but we drop the ball and grow discontented. Contentment is treated with contempt in a society that thrives in every way because (especially economically) of a rip tide of discontentment. Our society says if you are content you aren't striving for perfection. I want to strive for contentment because that is most Christ like path. Jesus is enough. Like Solomon said everything else is vanity. Vain in that it's useless.
So what's the secret to contentment? It ain't a secret. Paul gave that secret away almost 2000 years ago. St. Paul says in the 4th chapter of his letter to the Philippians- " ...for I have learned, in whatever state I am, to be content. - I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and want(in other words he's learned the secret of being content). I can do all things in Him who strengthens me"
Jesus is enough ! Jesus is enough! Jesus is enough!
For those of you struggling with discontent whether it's a compulsion or envy or just plain greed know this. That all those things given to you through faith in Jesus Christ are more than enough to truly satisfy you. All the other stuff is temporary crap. Jesus is forever.
Now if you'll excuse me I have to go and practice what I just preached.
Pray for me a sinner. (but redeemed in the blood of Jesus)
Going Big With Reckless Abandon.


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