Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Seeing Jesus

If we want to see Jesus we really don't need to look far . I have sometimes cried out " Where are you Jesus?" There were times when I felt that He had left me. I felt alone . I was wrong! I was told by a priest that if I prayed the prayer of St Francis and lived it every day I couldn't help but see Jesus.http://www.zarcrom.com/users/yeartorem/stfrancis.html I was kid(19), I just did what I was told. It changed my life. It's a prayer that is centered on giving and not receiving. Within a few days I began to see Jesus like I never thought. The prayer is basically asking God remove all desire from you and replace it with caring for others. The Lord gave me eyes to see outside myself . I was no longer preoccupied with my own affliction but was drawn to help and love others. I had been in the position "sick person "too long and had taken it as an occupation. When others became my focus " I saw Jesus". When Jesus says" Truly ,I say to you, as you did it to the least of these my brethren. that you do it unto ME" (Matt 25:40) HE wasn't messin around. I saw Jesus in drug addicts, homeless and the elderly . Some of us are looking for a face to face experience with Jesus. Step outside yourself. You are probably the biggest obstacle in seeing Jesus. Get out of way, focus on others and see Jesus.
Try this : Look at the image that I have posted focusing intensely on the four little dots in the center of the image for about 40 seconds. Close your eyes and relax. Tell me what you see.
Go and see Jesus.


Blogger joannmski said...

I see Jesus!

7:10 PM  

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