Sunday, January 21, 2007

Sanctity of Life

Today is sanctity of life Sunday in our church . Studying for the sermon was very moving this week (not that God's words doesn't normally move me). In the U.S. we have a law that is based on an interpretation of life that is just very insane at best, Machiavellian definitely. Of course I'm speaking of legalized abortion. Somehow the human gestation period has been used to create an illusion that murder is not really murder. Most folks even non Christians will read the story of Herod commanding the killing of all the male children in Israel and say " This is BAD!". Yet many people think it's OK to kill a baby up to a certain time (even many folks who confess Jesus as lord). What's the difference? I don't get ! That's my thinking now that I am fully surrendered to God's order and structure ( At least I truly try ). There was a time in my life where I thought human choice reigned supreme. I wouldn't not have thought at the time that I was giving the royal raspberry to God.
Choice is fine but there is a motivation behind each choice we make. Herod was motivated by jealousy , fear of losing a life that was comfortable and felt entitled to. Although there are some abortions that are motivated by pregnancies that threaten the mothers life or a pregnancy came by way of rape and or incest, these are not the normal motivations for abortion. Most abortions come as a result of people not wanting to live the consequences of a sexually active lifestyle. IF YOU HAVE SEX YOU MAY GET PREGNANT ! more later today


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