Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Good Grief

Grief. A period of sadness due to a loss (normally). Can that ever be good. YES! Very good. In 2Samuel 12 David grieves very differently than most of us. Many of us get stuck because we really refuse to accept the loss. David fasted and cried out to God while his ill child was still alive but once the child died he stopped and fully accepted the loss and went to comfort his wife.
By no means am I trying to say that David's grieving process should be the standard but I believe that we can learn something from his process.
I have been grieving loss in my life for 9 months. Just recently have I realized that I was stuck in the grief and hadn't accepted the loss. In my heart I was saying "this didn't happen-it shouldn't have happened- It's all my fault". This is no where close to being a healthy grief process. It did happen and I probably had a great deal to with it happening. When I think about these things I still get a bit sad but full acceptance of the loss has helped me move in to new parts of my life that the holy Spirit is leading me. Grief has finally become good to me.
For those of you who grieve today I pray that you never stop rejoicing in the Lord Jesus. That is what saved me from really going nuts in my grief.
Grieve well!


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