Saturday, September 11, 2010

I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack

Back to the blogspere after one years absence. And what a year it has been.
Got back from S.D.
Still spinning from personnel probs at church
Start work as hospital chaplain (They pay me in money - how peculiar)
Personnel probs apparently get better.
Extended Family in major crisis
Personal finances in the toilet
Church personnel abdication
Missing those who left nearly breaks me as I feel responsible (kinda get over it)
Almost lose daughter #2 because of surgical error (3 scary months and she's still not 100%)
I'm leaving 2 dozen cruddy things out of the list just because it's daunting.
During the last year I have learned a great deal about myself through God's chastening.
For a while I couldn't see much to like in myself but if Jesus was willing to die for me I gotta be worth something. Then came God's consolation- IT'S NOT ABOUT ME ! it's not about the things I suffer - It's about still being able to love God and others joyfully while going through a desolate period. I'M LEARNING !
Come with me on the journey - a simple life of loving and denying self - not so simple


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