Sunday, November 06, 2005

Destitute Liver

There was a time in the English language when "liver" was used to describe the temper and integrity of a person . Most of us have heard the saying "lilly livered" which basically means cowardly. Back in the day , say six or so centuries ago people thought that the force of ones liver fortified them with a degree of boldness and integrity. I've have been looking for a way to describe some people who frustrate me. And thanks to Carsten's blog challenge I think that I've found it. "Destitute Livered Skallywags" is my new term. I really don't know what the heck a skallywag is but I like sounding like a pirate. But I would never wear the eye patch (this is another phobia of mine and I'm sure Mrs. Priest will blogging about it in the near future). Anyway, the definition of Destitute Livered Skallywag is - a person lacking integrity and honesty. Destitute means lacking or impoverished so I think it works .
top 9 list of people who I believe to be Destitute Livered Skallywags
9. Most lawyers
8. People who get Handicapped parking permits and don't really need them.
7. Cheaters
6. Poachers
5. People who eat grapes and cherries in the grocery store and never buy them.
4. Teachers who give kids bad grades because because they don't like them (I didn't to believe that it's true but it is).
3. Men who get married while on death row (for some reason this drives me nuts)
2. The Masked Magician.
1. Warren Beatty


Blogger joannmski said...

Warren Beatty??!!??

9:57 AM  
Blogger Sinnersaint said...

What is you beef with Warren Beatty? Or are you just being clever?

11:48 AM  
Blogger Scott said...

W.B. not to be confused with the more respectable S.O.(well you get the picture) is an extreme liberal dirt bag. . .Love thy enemy? Dang.
Would ya wear the patch if someone maybe poked you in the eye?

4:22 PM  
Blogger Scott said...

I'm with you on #6 though, eggs are best fried over easy.

4:25 PM  

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