Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Psych Profiling II


Jonah - Bigoted personality with suicidal tendencies
Gideon - Low self esteem , defeatist attitude, will ultimately submit to authority only after testing the water,
Moses - adopted child complex, prone to violence
(breaks things when angry), prone to auditory and visual hallucinations. Medication highly recommended.
Job - does not submit to peer pressure, in a state constant lamentation of his reality, toxically obstinate
David - highly confident(narcissistic personality), sex addiction, misuse of authority, his journaling reveals an emotional break down at some point, seems to have recovered fully (treatment unknown)
Possibly more later
... or Go Home !

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

My Brother is 40

The little boy who tormented me all the time I lived at home is 40 years old . He has the quickest wit I know. At age 8 he went to spend some time with my aunt and uncle in No. Cal.. My Aunt was an English teacher and was always correcting everyone's grammar. Very irritating! Well she didn't know it but she had met her match. My brother was relaying a story and said "My brother and me ..." my aunt interrupted and said "brother and I " to which my brother retorted immediately "Aunt Betty, YOU WEREN'T THERE!"

He's the same as he was back then -just now he has facial hair.

Family is a good thing!
Go Big!

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Psychological Profiling of Biblical Charecters

My very good friend Charlie ( pastoral home dog ) in a recent comment on my blog blog made a good argument that King Solomon had A.D.D. This got me to thinking about the psychological pathologies of many biblical characters. What follows is a totally unqualified series of diagnosis of biblical characters by a wacko priest.

Adam- refusal to take responsibility for his action - codependent
Eve - reptofile
Cain - least favorite son syndrome - prone to violent outbursts
Able - golden child - healthy need to please those on authority
Noah - hears the voice of God - apparently psychotic - (Oh but what if he didn't listen? )
Japeth- latent homosexual tendencies - his children will bear the brunt of his misgivings.
Abraham - healthy need to obey those in authority - manipulative -
Essau- obsession with food - may lead overlooking the good things that have been promised to him
Jacob/Israel- somewhat larcenous - stubbornly tenacious - Tends to play favorites

I'll revisit this from time to time.
Go Big

Friday, August 11, 2006

So - About This Preaching to the T.V. Stuff

Theology is just not something found in seminaries and Sunday sermons. Everyone lives a Theology. One's understanding or misunderstanding of God comes forth in the life they live and the products of the individuals life.

So , say an individual who writes for television is a Church going Christian that puts God first then others then himself , his theology will no doubt ooze out of his writing. The like will happen if be that writer happens to an active homosexual raised in the church and feels alienated and angry towards God and his church. That individuals' theology will no doubt come through his writing. There was a time when the morality of t.v. show was more closely monitored . This is no longer the case. Hollywood is saying that they are merely showing "Real Life" cuz this is what people really do. Not only do they show us all the sinful stuff that we do and would like to do but they mock the morality that was at least intellectually adhered to. My wife and others kid me for preaching at the T.V. when a character slam the God whom I serve or questions the validity of a Christian life or portray Christians as dangerous close minded people. God and Christians are about all that are safe now to be prejudiced against. Buddhists and wickans are OK even satanists are better than Christians or even God himself .

My big statement when confronted with my insanity of preaching to the T.V. is ...

THEY PREACHED FIRST . And believe me they are preaching. I believe some of it isn't so innocent but part of an agenda (Like that flood of gay character and themed shows ) Others just belligerently preach a flawed theology that God is a big meany cuz he won't let them play in the mud. Truth is they can play in the mud if they choose to do so - but it seems they what to pull others in with them.

God can stick up for him self but perhaps Christians should reject shows that undermine basic christian beliefs. I know how hard this is to do. The shows are entertaining and enticing on many levels. But when will Christians (I'm including myself ) avoid that which hammers at the fiber of who we are in Christ. One might say " hey that show isn't telling me what to do - it just a funny show that's kinda edgy". Unfortunately a part of the church is latching on to the morals portrayed in sitcoms more so than what is shown to us in scripture (this really is true ).

My daughter is watching a show right NOW that is presenting as normal a sexual relationship outside of wedlock between a single Rabbi and a young woman. My daughter thought that Jews allowed this kinda thing with no stigma. Again I say " they preached first". Yes, holy guys of all flavors do crappy stuff but it ain't supposed to be received as normal and right just because " People do this stuff ". This is mild compared to the portrayal of many of the christian characters in sitcoms. Harmless ribbing? I do think it's funny - I laugh - but maybe I should be crying.

I say they make a "Kimba the White Lion " channel - all Kimba all the time. No fornication, no church slamming there. Of course there is the question of what really happened to Kimba's dad. Oh well

Just blowing off steam.

Go Big! " CLICK"

Thursday, August 10, 2006

A.D.D. and Dyslexia

I was not diagnosed with A.D.D. or Dyslexia until the age of 28. I always just bought into what people had told me about my behavior and performance. I was told that I lacked motivation, I was disorganized, I was lazy and mentally unstable (crazy). When your own family tells you this stuff you kinda feel it must be true. I believed it. When I was finally diagnosed I went back to college to finish my Bachelors degree to enter seminary. I had left college to go to the gemological institute (I had problems there as well). My first two years of college and my education at the institute were horrible, in some classes I barely passed. After being diagnosed and was being treated by a physician I finished my last two years of undergrad with all A's then finished seminary with 3.65 GPA (Seminary was a little tougher than state college). I t was like living a miracle. I had pretty much thought myself retarded all my life. Now not so much .

Why I am I talking about this ?Well the A.D.D. thing seems to be touching me again only from outside myself this time. Within the last three weeks -two individuals I know have gone for A.D.D. testing and another has come to me for A.D.D. related counseling. I thought I'd give a little A.D.D. education as a public service here in BLOGVILLE.

1. Kids withe A.D.D. / A.D.H.D. do not grow out of A.D.D. . They just grow up to be adult with A.D.D. Kids that display the hyper activity symptoms with their A.D.D. will to stop that behavior as adults but the A.D.D. stays along for the ride.

2. Not everyone with A.D.D. displays hyperactivity. These individuals normally slip through the cracks and go undiagnosed through the school age years.

3. A.D.D. is not a psychotic mental illness. It is a malfunction in the processing center of the brain . People with A.D.D. tend to have normal to high IQs but they process info at a slower rate . That's why timed examinations are a bad idea for folks with A.D.D. Given enough time they achieve as well or better than anyone else.

4 A.D.D.ers tend to be emotional. Imagine feeling all the time like Lucy and Ethel (I Love Lucy illustration please bare with) in the chocolate factory episode where they are working as candy packers . Lucy and Ethel are trying to pack all the candy that pass by them on a conveyor belt. But the candy is passing by too fast to get it all in the box. Makes for a hilarious sitcom episode but makes for sucky life. Wouldn't pretty much anyone be emotional if they were overwhelmed and frustrated all the time?

5. A.D.D. can be treated but not cured. Through pharmaceuticals, new life skills and above all prayer, the person with A.D.D. can cope with the affliction very well.

Those are some facts about A.D.D. that some of you may have known already. Here are facts that I would you all to know that really no one know except for me.

1. People with A.D.D tend to be very good looking and should be told so all the time (It helps the A.D.D.)
2. Hunting and fishing make the person with A.D.D. smarter and easier to live with so they should be encouraged to go as often as possible.
3. People with A.D.D. are never wrong so you shouldn't argue with them (especially spouses and rector's counsel members)
4. Rush Limbaugh doesn't believe that A.D.D. is real. People with A.D.D. would like to kick Rush's butt (and it's big)
5. Patience is needed with A.D.D.ers. It's not that we don't want to pay attention it's just that the cloud in the sky above us as we talk looks just like winnie the pooh. Now who wouldn't be distracted by that ?
6. A.D.D. folks have a hard time completing tasks. Please forgive us.