Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Driving Miss Nadia

Nadia is our youngest child. We recently decided that we would take her out of childcare and she would stay with me during the day. I guess you can she is a spirited child. I would say she's bossy. We've been driving around some and driving with Nadia is quite an experience.

Nadia: Dad when are you gonna drive?

me: Let me turn the engine on

N: we're gonna be late.

me: we can get there anytime.

N: my baby is mad 'cause you won't drive.

5 mins later

N: You're going the wrong way!

m: there's only one way to get there Nadia.


m: And we're here.

N: (talking to the baby doll) It's okay baby we're here now - I'm sorry it took so long - but daddy went the wrong way. We'll take the bus tomorrow.

Okay - I love my daughter but the driving gets a bit nuts.

More on the adventures of Father Rich and Nadia.


Tuesday, September 11, 2007


My six year old son Luke recently discovered STAR WARS. I saw it in the theater over thirty years ago. Never saw the big deal. I do like the Darth Vader character though. They did a great job developing his depth. He was good then he was bad then he was good again. I identify with folks with a past and have a history of giving in to the dark side.

Some folks in Christendom like everything squeaky clean and have no tolerance for the slightest appearance of evil. There is a scripture that is often abused that speaks to the avoidance of the appearance of evil. But Jesus puts that in tension (not contradiction) as he broke bread with hookers, liars and ne'r do wells. Everyone is redeemable! PRAISE GOD!

Some similarities between me and Darth Vader.

liking shiny things (him the light saber -me, well --- anything shiny)

loud irritating voice.

married childhood sweetheart.

mentored by a short bald guy (for me it was my dad for him Yoda)

black is the primary color of wardrobe.

easily frustrated.

have a son named Luke.

believe in a force greater than ourself.

Go Big Or Go Home!

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Cancer as medicine?

OK, most folks think I'm nuts anyway but this will top the cake. Cancer has become as medicine to me. I have probably been closer to cancer than most of the population. I am a cancer survivor. Three of my grandparents had it and as a minister I have dealt with it extensively. But I no longer have an active hatred for cancer. Cancer is kinda like poison only worse. I choose to make it medicine a render it not only harmless but a help to me and all those in my life.

My mom will have cancer surgery on Tuesday. It has been caught very early but cancer has a habit of killing people even if it doesn't actually kill them. It can paralyze a soul with fear and anger towards God.

So how can it be medicine? Cancer's apparent death grip makes me see God's victory. Has it claimed lives? Yes. BUT IT CAN'T CLAIM THE SOUL! I have ministered to many brothers and sister whose human lives have been stopped by cancer. But they had such extreme faith that was actually catapulted by the cancer. They had to lean on Jesus.

My mom leans on Jesus and she was the one that taught me to do that. Is cancer our friend ?- NO . But I consider it medicine because it brings many souls to a realization that they need something greater than what physicians can give. Salvation - Now that's medicine!

Go Big!